General skin care treatment provided by experienced dermatologists

At Skin Clan General Dermatology clinic specialist in Bangalore Dermatology Associates, our physicians offer you the latest treatments, newest technologies, and most effective products to provide you with a complete range of medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatological services for adult and pediatric skin conditions. General dermatologists treat skin diseases and problems of the skin, scalp, hair and nails. At Annapolis Dermatology Associates offer the full spectrum of adult and pediatric services with a personal touch. Our comprehensive approach to patient health includes full skin surveys, which are offered to every patient. Less complicated skin conditions are treated with simple therapies. Serious dermatologic diseases receive the most sophisticated care, including advanced drug treatments and surgical treatment of general dermatology.

Skin Brightening treatments are performed when some has an uneven tone to the skin or dark patches of skin. It is done by reducing the amount of active melanin in the skin. Several skin care products have shown to be effective in Skin Brightening Procedure and combination treatments with lasers are also effective to even out skin tones. Most Skin Brightening Procedure treatments, which can reduce or block some amount of melanin production, are aimed at inhibiting tyrosinase. Many treatments use a combination of topical lotions or gels containing melanin-inhibiting ingredients along with a sunscreen, and a prescription retinoid such as tretinoin. Depending on how the skin responds to these treatments, exfoliants either in the form of current cosmetic or chemical peels and lasers may be used. New development using LED systems are also showing good results.

Removing your skins outermost layers of dead cells restoratives collagen production and promotes the growth of healthy new cells as well as clearing the way for nutrients and minerals in our skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin. We only offer Medical Microdermabrasion, which uses medical grade crystals that are more effective than other standard Microdermabrasion systems.
Crystal Microdermabrasion Treatment in Bangalore can improve the appearance of:
  •          Dull / Tired Skin
  •          Flaking and Dry Skin
  •          Blackheads and clogged pores
  •          Milia and Comedones
  •          Fine lines and Minor Wrinkles
  •          Uneven skin tone
  •          Oily Skin
  •          Rough or Course skin


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