Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate and Renew your skin with ResurFX

ResurFx laser treatment by Lumenis truly stands efficacy. The Lumenis ResurFX ™ is a fractional skin rejuvenation solution for a younger, healthier & glowing looking skin. It provides a solution that improves facial and body texture with minimal downtime. The technology is intuitive, non-ablative, highly advanced and affordable. Skinclan General Dermatology specialist in Bangalore offers continuous contact cooling for safe treatment and patient comfort. ResurFx is a very versatile and capable technology, offering effortless treatment for Dyschromia, Acne & Surgical Scars, Periorbital Wrinkles, and skin resurfacing. Why ResurFX™ Tailored to address the early signs of aging. Brilliant results for skin texture & overall skin appearance. Lunchtime procedure and you can return to your busy lifestyle. What should I expect? The Lumenis® ResurFX™ treatment works with your skin to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a...