Chemical Peels – Decoding Chemical Peels

Every time I consult a patient about chemical peels as a treatment option, the first thoughts that probably crosses their minds is OMG chemical on my face, do I really need it, is this doctor trying to make money out of me, what if my face gets burnt, will it damage my skin, etc.etc.… This made me write today’s blog. This is an attempt to help clear one's apprehension about peels. Q1. What is a chemical peel? Chemical Peel Skin Clinic in Bangalore is a treatment solution, which are derived from fruits . They are molded to match the pHof skin so as to give only desired results. Sinceit’s chemically modulated it has specific and controlled action on the skin thereby delivering desired results and also helps avoid unwanted effects/side effects are nullified. Q2. What are the uses of chemical peel and what are the different types of peels? ...