
Showing posts from November, 2017

Chemical Peels – Decoding Chemical Peels

Every time I consult a patient about chemical peels as a treatment option, the first thoughts that probably crosses their minds is OMG chemical on my face, do I really need it, is this doctor trying to make money out of me, what if my face gets burnt, will it damage my skin, etc.etc.…           This made me write today’s blog. This is an attempt to help clear one's apprehension about peels. Q1. What is a chemical peel?           Chemical Peel Skin Clinic in Bangalore is a treatment solution, which are derived from fruits . They are molded to match the pHof skin so as to give only desired results. Sinceit’s chemically modulated it has specific and controlled action on the skin thereby delivering desired results and also helps avoid unwanted effects/side effects are nullified. Q2. What are the uses of chemical peel and what are the different types of peels?           Peels are superficial, medium or deep. Superficial peel help re-epithelization, which in turn help r

Skin Care Tips to fight pollution and habits for oily and dry skin by skin specialist Dr Pallavi

Skin is the largest organ of the body. It’s the single organ which takes the major brunt of pollution. Pollution in all forms effects the well being of our health. The most damaging of them all on the skin is air pollution. Rapid industrialization and increased fuel and energy consumption and decreased damage correction add to the damage. Even though there are various sources of pollutants the most important ones are ultraviolet radiation, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, oxides, particulate matter, ozone and cigarette smoke. Air pollutants get absorbed directly through the skin or through hair follicles and or oil glands. At Skinclan Stretch Mark Treatment in Bangalore the major effect of pollutants on the skin is increased oxidative stress. There is a depletion of antioxidants like glutathione peroxidase, reductase, superoxide dismutase, VitC,E, and glutathione. The increase in free radicals causes cell damage which in turn increases oxidat

How to choose the best sunscreen for your skin by Dr Pallavi

We all know the benefits of sunscreen but fall short how to choose the right one for us. While choosing a sunscreen to keep in mind 1. Your skin type dry/oily /normal 2. If you have any skin issues like acne, pigmentation, sensitivity 3. Your daily sun exposure: mild, moderate, excess. 4. Age, less than 30 or more than 30. Gel-based and matte finish sunscreen’s with SPF 30 plus is helpful for anybody with oily skin, with or without acne and also for people with mild to moderate sun exposure like a 9-5 job, desk job when u go shopping, day outing etc. At Skinclan Stretch Mark Treatment in Bangalore People with sensitive skin, pigmentation issues, and lots of outdoor activities can choose a sunblock instead of sunscreen. Sunblocks are physical sunscreen’s which are made of zinc oxide, titanium oxide etc. Which act as reflectors. New generation sunblocks do not give whitish tinge and are aesthetically well accepted by both men and women. Most of the physical sunscreen